Educational Programmes for Schools

Follow the Museum’s educational programmes in an interactive museum area, where, using an interdisciplinary approach, children can learn about the modern history of Macedonia and co-create its culture!
The programmes are directed at students of all grades; they have an experiential dimension and are consistent with the Curriculums and Skill Workshops.
They are designed and implemented by an interdisciplinary team of partners (academics, museologists, historians, educators), under the scientific supervision of Ms Stavroula Mavrogeni, Professor at the University of Macedonia and Director of the Research Centre for Macedonian History and Documentation (KEMIT).
Their aim is to familiarize children with the museum and to turn the educational visit into an entertaining and multi-level experience that complements the school curriculum, while also extending it across different disciplines.
Through an organized participation in educational programmes, students are able to:
• Approach concepts such as history, memory, information, communication, technology, multiculturalism and interaction in an interdisciplinary manner.
• Develop soft skills related to research, discovery, critical thinking and collaboration.
• Implement historical literacy techniques through educational games.
• Cultivate self-regulation and an interactive relationship with the exhibits.
Deciphering the Macedonian Struggle
3rd-6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students
The Macedonian Struggle in the Swamps of Giannitsa
Pre-school students