Easter Creative Activity Workshops at home for children 5-12 years old
12 April 2020

Easter workshops online
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle organizes, through the internet, the Easter Workshops 2020 for children.
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle organizes, through the internet, the Easter Workshops 2020 for children.
As every year, this year, with the same creative spirit, but with the necessary safety distance, children, with the help of their parents, will be able to participate in enjoyable creative activities on the theme of the Easter customs of Macedonia and the depiction of the Resurrection and Spring in the works of contemporary Greek painters. From Friday 10 April you will be able to find on our Facebook page rich folklore and educational material with information, pictures, suggestions for games, recipes and crafts that can be easily implemented at home.
The workshops are aimed at children aged 5-12 years old and access to the material will be free for all. To join the museum’s workshop group and to receive more ideas and games, you can register by emailing kemit.education@imma.edu.gr with your parent’s full name, child’s name and age and your place of residence. The works of the children, who will participate in the workshops, will be posted on the social media accounts of the Museum and on the official website of the Museum of Macedonian Struggle.
Workshop Supervisor: Stavroula Maurogeni , Professor of PA.M.A.K., Director of K.E.M.I.T.
General coordination: Fani Tsatsaia, Art Historian, Director of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle.
Design of educational material: Katerina Tzavara, Educator – Author.