Educational Activities
Educational Programmes for Schools
Follow the Museum’s educational programmes in an interactive museum area, where, using an in-terdisciplinary approach, children can learn about the modern history of Macedonia and co-create its culture!
The programmes are directed at students of all grades; they have an experiential dimension and are consistent with the Curriculums and Skill Workshops.
They are designed and implemented by an interdisciplinary team of partners (academics, museolo-gists, historians, educators), under the scientific supervision of Ms Stavroula Mavrogeni, Professor at the University of Macedonia and Director of the Research Centre for Macedonian History and Docu-mentation (KEMIT).
The Macedonian Struggle in the Swamps of Giannitsa
Middle School studentsMiddle School students
The Macedonian Struggle in the Swamps of Giannitsa
Pre-school students
Travelling through time on a quill and a... mouse!
5th, 6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students
Deciphering the Macedonian Struggle
3rd-6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students
Thessaloniki: Metamorphoses of a city
5th, 6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students
"Playing and learning in the Swamps of Giannitsa"
Pre-school students
Thessaloniki - Macedonia: Memory Management and Society (Operation of a pilot project in cooperation with the D.D.E. West. Thessaloniki)
5th, 6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School studentsΜαθητές Λυκείου
Seeking the legacy of the Greek War of Independence in Nineteenth-Century Macedonia
Παιδιά Νηπιαγωγείου - Δημοτικού – Γυμνασίου – Λυκείου
"From School to Museum: a creative journey through the history of Macedonia"
Παιδιά Νηπιαγωγείου - Δημοτικού – Γυμνασίου – Λυκείου